Twitter Updates for 2008-08-26
- Kucinich is kicking some tush. Video: #
- @arielwaldman I don’t use twitter favorites..will only do so when reviewing my own to find jokes i want to use again. what other purpose? #
- new video: Michelle Obama and my possible GTD conversion. Is it like geek Mormonism? Should I do it? #
- @maximolly Finally a Canadian is the world’s best!…bicycle thief #
- Posted ‘This morning: Michelle Obama and GTDers as Geek Mormons’ to #
- Best emotional moment hands down is watching BO and his kids talk and hearing them tell him they love him ..most genuinely. #
- I’m sure Michelle O does love this country. But I’m also sure that a committee made her just say that now. #
- Stupid + sexist to have silent Claire McCaskill daughter Maddie spoken for by her brother standing next to her. #
- Why does the Democratic party put people on the stage who are clearly uncomfortable being there? #
- Jen Bekman is as savvy and creative a thinker as @girlwonder and @clevergirl said she is. I’m now really excited by a small idea. #