Entries tagged "stand-up"

Marriage Equality Throwback Thursday – Comedy at the Prop 8 March in NY

Even though we were angry and most of California had just passed Prop 8, it was an exciting moment. It was the moment that tipped the movement for marriage equality. We were angry but the energy was huge nationwide.

Being a married lesbian in the US was very unusual at that moment and performing to that crowd was a great experience.

Life being what it is, I’m now working on Everything Is Subject to Change, post-divorce. But I stand by everything I said here.

Taylor Negron distils Sandra Bernhard’s impact

Great piece by the wonderful comic, writer and director Taylor Negron which captures the best of Sandra Bernhard and her impact. Sandra’s work had a huge influence on me and it’s fair to say that I wouldn’t be performing today if not for her groundbreaking solo show Without You I’m Nothing.

Like many innovators, much of what she did unique and edgy was rooted in the context of the time. Taylor Negron’s piece captures that beautifully. He’s a wonderful performer too. If you get a chance to see him live too, jump at it.

Other People’s Keys: my story at Litquake 2013

This is about a search for an apartment for when I’m in the US after a time of real disorientation. I think I’ll just let you know the keywords for this story: landlords, hilarious, apartments, keys, cherry tomatoes, flogging.

It’s part of my play in development Everything is Subject to Change. You can subscribe to access all the pieces and be part of the  development process and support me as an independent writer/performer.

New Show- I Just Love That I’m So Into You w/Mariko Tamaki – One Night Only in Toronto 8/10/12

I’m excited to announce this! I’ll be trying some new things including an experiment in which I’ll act as a live search engine and a dating system.


A show in three parts, created and performed by Heather Gold, Mariko Tamaki, and you.
Comedian/performer/writers Heather Gold and Mariko Tamaki promise a night of funny
and thought provoking monologue and dialogue and games with the people formerly
known as the audience at Maggie’s Flying Beaver Pubaret. We won’t give you any rules
about relationships but celebrates crushes, deep love and the revenge of the secret
sisterhood of kids who grew up eating lunch alone. (PS It’s fucking hilarious)
Think: A little Spalding Grey, a little Sandra Bernhard, a little rec room party. Pass the
orange? I’d love to.

Bring a date! Bring an Asian or Jewish date to be entered in a drawing for a future
production of Miss Saigon on the Roof. If you come solo, we might even find you a date.

I JUST Love That I’m So Into You
August 10th, 2012
7:30 PM
The Flying Beaver Pubaret
488 Parliament Street
Toronto, ON
Tickets are $10 Advance/$15 at the door
Dinner available before, during, and after the show
Dinner patrons get priority seating.

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