Internet time travel: before Nick Denton…
I’m cleaning out the paper in my life and came across notes from my Internet Roast at SXSW 2000.
An email newsletter! Printed out! With exclamation marks! When I was working at start-up! with CEO!
Before Nick Denton and Valleywag, Michael Tchong’s newsletter Jacobyte offered an item about Seth Godin’s start-up before he was on book covers and 10,000 smackeroos for proof that you’d slept with a senior Internet exec.
Oh those balloon and ahi tuna- filled times when Time-Warner giving out Palm pilots to launch a, ahem, print magazine about the Internet.
Today, Nick might make you pay him to run the photos of your tryst.
First off, I’m only writing this to let you know how disgusted I am by finding out you are a lesbian who calls herself Jewish. In your recent appearance on TWIG, you disparaged another Jew, RABBI Shmuley Boteach. I implore you not to parade yourself as a Jew. Your giving others a bad name. I implore you to examine your deeds and your thoughts before you give that famous NON-JEWISH retort, “Why should I care what others think/say?” If you truly ARE Jewish, you know our task is to repair this world, not break it further. STOP disparaging other Jews. STOP showing others that living a life of self-destruction is okay “as long as others aren’t being harmed.” There are other forms of harm beside that of physical harm.