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To be true, if I am doing a space video, I don’t shave for about week before, if its the pjk show, you gotta know the razor is by my side before during and after the shoot. But hey, I have only appeared once in “war paint” so here’s hoping this xmas may be a pant delight, who knows??
You ask some thought-provoking questions that make my brain hurt, Heather. But it should be clear to any straight woman who has tried to date online that men care not a whit what they look like while vastly disproportionally caring what women look like, even for the first email…some of their photos are appalling (blurry, or just plain bad), but then they’re critical of how we’ve represented ourselves…
Bad, bad, bad, this inequality…
I’ve decided to spend this evening checking out all the SF Vloggers, courtesy of Matt’s Vlog Map, and came across your site.
Several times on your video, you muse, “Do male vloggers feel this way about their appearance?” And although I can squarely respond that I don’t; it’s probably a big part of why the bulk of my vlog entries do not involve me on-camera. I mean, I feel fairly comfortable on camera, but when it comes to editing myself, I begin to have this uncomfortable feeling.
Do I talk too high? Should I tone down how much I gesticulate? Do I really look like that? Do I REALLY look like that? It’s either an exercise in self-love or some new fangled form of torture, I tell you… but I guess it’s having an effect. I no longer cringe and want to die when I see myself on camera, now I pretty much just cringe once and carry-on.
But obviously we care to some extent about our physical appearances. A lot of that is obviously the consumer world shoved down our throats, but part of it has to be in our genes, after all, male monkeys have been known to fight over a mate in nature, and I’m pretty sure she wasn’t in-demand for her engaging personality.
It’s a tricky issue though, and I like the way you brought it to the table. Looking forward to checking out some more.