Entries tagged "life"

Today’s Resource: my 1972 Honda 350Four

The thing that makes me happy today is thinking about my motorcycle: a 1972 Honda 350Four. I wish I had a better photo of it than this one of me and Michelle Citrin heading to a gig in Guerneville on what turned out to be a pretty magical day. At that time we were both kind of creatively stuck. We rode up on the old small highway. We wove on windy roads that were all of a sudden friend not foe, and under Redwoods that seemed so much closer to me and my heart than from a car or even on foot. The night ended up including a woman in the audience randomly standing up and telling us she was a reincarnated Holocaust Survivor, gay men awkwardly trying to hit on the woman hosting the show, a midget dreamily slow dancing with another comic who’s 6 feet tall, a random passerby telling Michelle gravely that her karaoke was pretty good but if she could could learn how to write songs she’d really have it made. Michelle will have her first musical on Broadway this year, Sleepless in Seattle. After a woman who sounded just like Harvey Fierstein read our palms we met a woman at about 3am who told us she was a prophet. At that point, I believed her. One thing melted into the other. It was all swooping and smooth and alive, just like the ride on the bike. The Prophet told us this was what she called a Blue Velvet Day.

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me and Gram

Today’s Resource: sequined headbands + Olivia Newton-John Make a Move On Me


Maybe you need to have been born exactly when I was to find Olivia Newton-John incredibly sexy, or a headband or cigarette-like mic entertainingly comforting.
And somehow there are no women in this dance club. Hmm, I wonder why that could be?
I can’t wait…

Mary Gold (Mariam / Mirrel Kolofsky) 1919-2011


Gram died last night.


This is a painting of my Gram when she was a teenager working crazy hours with her sister at her brothers’ first store.
A customer came in one day and gave it to her. It shocked her that someone thought of her. She also never saw herself as attractive, even though she really was a beauty in her day.


We were talking the other night about what Gram liked to do.  What movies, what books, what songs? Gram liked business.
She loved flea markets as long as she could go. She read the paper to see what the prices were and how people were merchandising.

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Today’s Resource: Bette Midler at the Baths

Continuing my promise to post one thing every day that makes me happy. I missed yesterday because of Gram’s sudden decline in health but the movement for freedom which I tweeted plenty about made me very happy.


This is Bette singing at a gay bathhouse. the Continental Baths early in her career with piano player Barry Manilow.
If I had Fantasy Island powers this is own of the places I’d want to go back in time to. Come to think of it. If I could Fantasy Island it, I’d sing this song, just like this.
It’s my favourite take on one of my favourite songs.


“I see my light come shining…”

Today’s Resource: Young Frankenstein

I’m promising myself I’ll find and post one thing every day that makes me happy.




Ah yes, back when film comedies had women who really did comedy in them.
Comedy perfection, every one of them: Teri Garr, Madeleine Kahn, Gene Wilder, Marty Feldman and my higher power, Mel Brooks.

Teena Marie -Work It



This is some funky sh4t! Bless You Tube, I’ve not heard this song since I played it on my mixed cassette that I bought in 1988. Man I love this song. And how is it that both Teena Marie and Taylor Dayne died so young? It’s like the Gilda Radner, Madeleine Kahn one two punch of the white girl funk genre.

127 Hours, loss, and tequila bar wisdom


photo: Chris Applegate 

I saw the film 127 hours last week. It made a big impact on me. (I liked it a lot more than Social Network. It’s a very interior film and will take you as well as a virtual thing can, to a place of feeling what matters about being alive to you. Log line: a climber cuts off his own arm to survive. Spoiler below).


I was in a bar last night and found myself talking with someone very tall visiting Toronto from Vancouver. Did I mention that this bar’s specialty was serving just tequila and making mid-town professionals comfortable on a night off? It wasn’t really my scene.


I mentioned the film. This woman sharply zeroed in her energy and delivered the pinnacle scene to me: “I made that boulder. I made this moment. This boulder has waited it’s entire life for me…” She hasn’t seen the film but a friend did and he told her about it. This friend saw the film a few days after this happened to him:

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The Original Portlandia: My Vagina Is 8 Miles Wide


“Maybe you’re just not enough for me?”


Sing it out girls. over and over.


The upcoming film Portlandia has tune called Dream of the 90s and its video has been making the rounds.

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Hot F+ck You Sign Language Video

1. Man this chick is super cute. 

2. I think that this is a mostly deaf audience and what could be better than having your tune/performance get them clapping along?

3. this song has been in my head since I first heard it a while ago. Good luck getting it out. Perma-groove.

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