Entries tagged "Heather Gold Show Audio Podcast"

Making Decisions (audio podcast)

6/15/07Heather conversates with equivocal musicianAmy Tobin, GTD electronic apostleMerlin Mann, her guardian angel,+rescuer spirtual leaderPatrick Barnes and the people formerly known as the audience.

Which movie do you want to see? Buy or sell? Paper or plastic? Whether by prayer or Powerpoint presentation, how do you make decisions?

Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

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What do you do? (audio podcast)

5/11/07Heather conversates with the uncategorizeable: the funny Marc Horowitz, Lakota Harden, a brilliant UC Berkeley rhetoric prof who chooses to remain ungoogleable and the people formerly known as the audience.

What if you can’t describe what you do? What if the way you make your income and see yourself are different? In an economy that is forcing constant job changes, does it become more important to figure out what special value you offer to the world (marketplace)?

Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

Add yourself to the conversation on Flickr.

What do you do?

Perception (audio podcast)

4/13/07 How does perception lead to knowing? How is life different for someone with coupled senses—someone who can literally taste words? Can we all change our world view and how often?

Heather conversates with
Synesthete Cassidy Curtis comic performer and now partially-blind Enzo Lombardo-Quintero, magicianMagic Safire, cognitive neuropsychologist Brian Silva and the people formerly known as the audience

Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

How did you first realize that you see the world in a particular way?

What makes a good partnership work? (audio podcast)

2/9/07 Heather mixes couples counselor Judye Hess, Talmudic scholar Zvi Septimus, Google partnership manager Jason Shellen and the people formerly known as the audience. What makes a good partnership work, whether it’s a marriage between people, companies or countries? How are the conflicts and dynamics similar, and how are they resolved?Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

Outside In (audio podcast)

1/12/07: Heather conversates with creator of Yahoo Hack Day Bradley Horowitz, undercover satirist Harmon Leon, theatrical midwife Rhodesa Jones, Founder of The Medea Project: Theatre for Incarcerated Women and the people formerly known as the audience.

What allows people access to each other and places that they’d never otherwise go? What is gained by the outside/in perspective?

Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

Everyday Courage (audio podcast)

12/8/06 Heather mixes pharmaceutical VC Antoun Nabhan, punk legend and trans leader Lynnee Breedlove, Darfur survivor Gadet Riek, and the people formelry known as the audience. How do we remember and stand up for our principles in everyday challenges, whether that means saying no to a business deal, going the men’s bathroom or taking another step?

Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

Receiving (audio podcast)

Heather conversates with love artist Kathe Izzo, Superbowl Champion, tight end and filmmaker Dr. Jamie Williams, Shanan Carney (aka the Voice of TiVo) whose debilitating knee surgery is teaching her first hand about the art of receiving and the people formerly known as the audience.
Is it always better to give than receive? Why is it sometimes harder?

Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

Inheritance: How do we value the past in the present? (audio podcast)

Heather conversates with Vintage painting curator Rob Delamater, hora motivator Jill Slater, Anthony Marshall, creator of pioneering hip hop showcase and MTV show Lyricist Lounge (Biggie Smalls, Slick Rick, Mos Def + Sean “Puffy” Combs) and the people formerly known as the audience.

Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

Self-Made (audio podcast)

Heather conversates with Caterina Fake, co-founder of Flickr, Dave Chappelle opener W. Kamau Bell, celebrated psychologist Dr Lillian Rubin (The Transcendent Child) and the people formerly known as the audience.
Listen to the mp3 of the entire show (90 min)

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