Entries tagged "sing"

Today’s Resource: Bette Midler at the Baths

Continuing my promise to post one thing every day that makes me happy. I missed yesterday because of Gram’s sudden decline in health but the movement for freedom which I tweeted plenty about made me very happy.


This is Bette singing at a gay bathhouse. the Continental Baths early in her career with piano player Barry Manilow.
If I had Fantasy Island powers this is own of the places I’d want to go back in time to. Come to think of it. If I could Fantasy Island it, I’d sing this song, just like this.
It’s my favourite take on one of my favourite songs.


“I see my light come shining…”

The Original Portlandia: My Vagina Is 8 Miles Wide


“Maybe you’re just not enough for me?”


Sing it out girls. over and over.


The upcoming film Portlandia has tune called Dream of the 90s and its video has been making the rounds.

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