“The Fran Lebowitz of the digital era.”
—Alan Deutschman, The Second Coming of Steve Jobs

“We asked Heather to perform for our group at our inaugural conference dinner. The energy was high, and Heather did not disappoint. How do you make jokes about the Dot Com Bust in front of a roomful of people still living off of their options? She managed to play off our techie nostalgia while still keeping it fresh. She even made the topic of PC platforms funny. It’s wonderful how she bridges the personal with the professional.”
—Jory des Jardins, BlogHer Conference

“What you did for us was fantastic. Your performance was stellar and folks here are still talking about it.”
—Sam Peterson, Lesbian Gay Rights Lobby, Texas

“Heather Gold was outstanding! We rarely get to enjoy such fabulous feminist comedy. Her material was insightful, powerful and hilarious. Book her, she’s the ticket.”
—Helen Grieco CA National Organization for Women

“Heather Gold offers witty insights about the world at large and hysterically biting commentary about its smaller-minded parts, with a kind of universal sense of humor we all need more of.”
—Megan Smith, VP Google (former CEO PlanetOut)

“Heather is hilarious and provocative! She knows how to connect with the audience and hit the things they care about with an irreverence that both entertains and enlightens.”
—Mary Choy, co-ordinator Top25 Women on the Web

“Our audience loved her. Heather’s smart, funny and quick. She turned a random ringing cell phone into a highlight of the evening.”
—Sharon Papo, Conference Organizer, National Union of Jewish GLBTIQQ Students

“Heather fearlessly takes on topics that are perhaps a bit too sacred for commentary.”
—Liz Belile, ed. LA Times Bestseller Gynomite

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