Jury selection

I wasn’t picked today, but it was interesting watching the process. I’m not all thrilled with the legal system as you’ll see in my upcoming show The Law Project, but I loved the way each prospective juror meant as much as the next. Other than the DMV and Mitchell’s ice cream (and shows of course), it’s the only place in San Francisco in which I’ve experienced a true diversity of people being together. One propsective juror is an older Chinese woman. Like every other prospective juror she had stated the ages of her children. The Associate DA presumptuously began her hypothetical: “You know when you’ve had to make a decision between her daughters….”

“No,” the prospective juror interjected in her accent.

“Haven’t you had to make a decision?” asked the young woman prosecutor


“Who made the decisions for your daughters.”


It was hilarious and sad too. She was later excused.