Feb 7 – Eventbrite - Yarn 6 : Comedy Storytelling  w special guest Virgie Tovar (Hot&Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love and Fashion, MTV)

Mar 7 – Eventbrite - Yarn 7 : Comedy Storytelling

Apr 4 – Eventbrite - Yarn 8 : Comedy Storytelling

At the first sell-out Yarn: Heather, Julia Jackson and Alicia Dattner.

Why Yarn?

In 1996 I worked with Jennifer Sloan to create Tangent, a new kind of comedy show in San Francisco, influenced by the first alternative comedy show UnCabaret, which we both loved in LA.  Tangent at Cafe du Nord hosted comics like Patton Oswalt, W, Kamau Bell, Joan Jett Blakk, Bridget Schwartz and David Mills. I didn’t know enough to follow the rules of traditional comedy clubs. It was exciting and aimed at substance. The show was a hit.

I’ve now performed comedy and solo shows for a while now, and I’m finding a similar need to make a great space with the right amount of time, the best performers of substance and the right vibe. I wanted a room where I could talk *with* the audience. A room where we can connect with people who want something more than lowest common denominator jokes. A place where we can work out new longform material. A show especially for women who are “Hollywood old.” Over 29. All are welcome.

To keep a good mix in the room, some comps are available for those who can’t afford the show right now. Patron tickets are available for those who’d like to sponsor them. And performers are paid. I’m letting you know because that’s not always the case at the comedy you go to see locally. It’s important.

People who love to laugh, think, and be moved. This show is for you. Come enjoy a good Yarn.


(I’d love to hear from you. Here’s how to reach me. The best way to get notice of and stories from Yarn is to join my mailing list above)


#comedy #storytelling #soloperformance #feminist #women #WOC #funny #intelligent

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