Jay Smooth intercepts a twitter fagbashing and skools a pro football player on strength
This is incredibly heartwarming and inspiring to see from anyone, a straight guy no less, a straight black guy no less (because when’s the last time you saw a white guy trying to engage a black man on his misunderstanding of masculinity without sounding like a douchebag?)
1. Recognize when someone’s fagbashing and call them on it (in this case a The Kansas Chief’s Larry Johnson).
2. Know the story of Stonewall and the beginning of the LGBT rights movement.
3. Tell the story in such a way that makes you feel the strength and power of the queer folk who fought back at Stonewall.
4. Do it all with style.
Jay, when you hear that gay or queer means weak and lame and not a real man (or woman or the right gender etc) over and over again, it can be tough to 100% disbelieve it even when it you know from your leaders (those at Stonewall) yourself, your friends and family that it isn’t true.
I am so honoured that Jay will be a guest on this year’s Heather Gold Show at SXSW. Details coming very soon.